
The Localism Act 2011 requires all councils to adopt a code of conduct which deals with the conduct expected of its elected and co-opted members when they are acting in their official capacity. The code of conduct is also required to include appropriate provisions relating to the registration and disclosure of pecuniary and other interests. The code for district councillors is set out within the constitution.

The code of conduct

The code of conduct may not always cover a member’s behaviour in their private life. As there may be variations in the codes of conduct approved by the various councils in Devon, it is advisable to check the relevant council’s code of conduct to see if it applies to the particular circumstances. Apart from those very limited circumstances, the obligations in the code of conduct only apply when a councillor is acting, or giving the impression that they are acting, in their official capacity.

If you feel that a councillor has breached the code of conduct and you wish to make a complaint, please use the How to complain about a councillor page.