Guide Petitions

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3. What are the different types of petitions?

There are three different types of petitions:

Ordinary petitions

Petitions containing at least 25 signatures.  The petition organiser can present their petition to a meeting of the Council (that is a meeting to which the Chair and all Councillors are invited) who will, without discussion, refer the petition to the relevant decision-maker (this could be an officer of the council or one of the council’s committees) OR the petition organiser (with two other people who signed the petition) can meet with the relevant decision-maker direct to present their petition.

Petitions for Council debate

Petitions containing at least 1500 signatures will be debated (or discussed) at a meeting of the Council.

Petitions calling for Council employees to give evidence at an Overview and Scrutiny meeting

Petitions containing at least 750 signatures can call for a senior Council employee to give evidence at a public meeting of any of the Overview and Scrutiny Committees.