
Our new strategy redefines our commitment to Resident Involvement and opens doors for more of you to get involved and have your voices heard. You can view the Resident Involvement Strategy on our site.

Our vision for the Housing Service is to ‘Create Better Communities for All’

To achieve our vision, we must listen to what our residents want. We have had conversations with some residents who are already involved, and some who are not. We have also spoken to Councillors, housing managers and staff to find out what good resident involvement looks like to them. We have adopted their ideas in the development of this strategy.

Our New Resident Involvement Strategy 2024 -2027

A large part of the role of The Communities Team is to create ways for all our tenants to hear about the things that are happening within EDDC Housing that might affect you, and to give you the chance to tell us what you think, so that your points of view are included in our decision making.

As this is such an important job, we must have a plan in place, which says how we will do this. This plan has been approved by those tenants and Councillors who make up the Housing Review Board and agreed by senior managers.  We call this plan, our Strategy.

We are excited to be able to share our new Resident Involvement Strategy with you.

We have lots of plans to make it easier and quicker for lots of different people to have their say on the things that matter to them about the places where they live.

Over the course of the next year, we will be introducing more online options, increasing our use of social media, and one-off face to face events, in more locations across the district to make it possible for many more of you to get involved. 

Many of our existing formal groups will continue to run, but with a renewed focus on making sure they are making the best use of our volunteer tenants time and skills. And we will be actively working towards encouraging more tenants from a variety of backgrounds to join them, so they better represent the mix of people who live in our homes and communities.