Policy Street naming and numbering policy

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13. Appendix B - Schedule of Street naming and Numbering Charges

Approach to charging

We do not charge for the mandatory service of naming new streets and numbering new properties.

We do not charge for the conversion of an existing property into flats or units.

We will charge for ‘cosmetic’ changes and ‘reworking’ previously completed developments at our standard fee for EACH plot/postal address change

This includes the change of a property name, changes to a property number (for example 13 to 11A)

and the addition or change of an alias name 

We will also charge if a developer has not requested the omission of a specific number at the time of application, but later requests the removal of, for example, all of the number 13s. 

Who is Responsible for Delivery?

The Street Name and Numbering team within Strata Service Solutions in consultation with Planning, Council Tax and the Development Control Committee.

Performance Monitoring

The Street Name and Numbering team will pass all requests for new street names to the relevant Ward Councillors or Town or Parish Council. Once they send their recommendation to us, we will normally complete the process within 30 days. 

All requests for property name changes will be dealt with in 10 working days.  It can take a considerable amount of time for new addresses and address changes to appear in address databases used by other companies and organisations.(for example, banks, insurance companies, Google maps etc).

The LLPG and NLPG will be updated to include all authorised new street names, building names and numbering. The LLPG and NLPG are maintained in accordance with British Standard BS7666 “Spatial Data-sets for geographical referencing”.

 The LLPG and NLPG are growing in importance as increasingly these databases are being used by many government agencies, including the emergency services. Strata is in the process of integrating the LLPG with its other property based information systems. All changes to, or additions of, addresses will be also be made in the LLPG. This information is then distributed internally within each Council and passed to the NLPG for National distribution.