Drakes C of E Primary School PTFA believe in supporting all members of our community to enable and inspire them to grow as confident, independent learners, fully equipped and ready for life’s challenges.

That’s why when they applied for our Small Community Grant, we were delighted to be able to support a project with such a wonderful aim.

With the grant of £500,  they purchased a shed which they converted into a sensory area. This became a dedicated space for pupils to focus on quiet time and to enjoy reading books.Photo of the sensory shed / reading space.

We are pleased to report that the sensory shed is still a much-used resource and has had a positive impact in the day-to-day life of the school. It's also helped to improve the children’s mental health by providing them with a space to relax and reflect.

Inside the sensory shed / reading space.

Our Small Community Grants are committed to supporting community-led ideas and initiatives, just like this sensory shed, and we look forward to working with many other local community projects in the near future.