You have the right to have prevent further processing of your personal data where any of the following apply:

  • The accuracy of the personal data is contested (this applies until such time as we have verified the accuracy)
  • The processing is unlawful and you would rather restrict processing over the erasure of your personal data
  • Where the Council no longer needs to process the data but you require it for the establishment, exercise or defence of a legal claim
  • You have objected to processing and a decision on whether the legitimate grounds override your interests is pending

Should this right be applied then the data may be stored but not further processed
without your consent or where it is required for the establishment, exercise or
defence of a legal claim. If we have shared your data with any third party
organisation, we will inform them of any restrictions imposed on further

Where a restriction is to be lifted you will be informed prior to this occurring.

How do I request this?

You can make this request by completing this form, verbally or in writing using the contact details below:

You can write to us at the address below:

Data Protection Officer

East Devon District Council
Blackdown House
Border Road, Heathpark Industrial Estate
EX14 1EJ

You can email us at  

You can phone us on 01395 517417

Is there a charge?

You will not be charged for exercising any of your rights unless your request is unfounded, excessive or repetitive in which case we may charge you a reasonable administration fee for the supply of information. Having been provided with any information, if you request further copies then this will be subject to a reasonable charge.

How long will it take?

We will provide information or process your request within one month of receiving a valid request. In some cases, if the request is particularly complex, we may not be able to respond within one month and would then contact you to explain this and that we need more time. In any case your request will be dealt with within 3 months.

Can my request be refused?

If your request is considered to be manifestly excessive, unfounded or repetitive, we may make a charge for provision of information or we may refuse to respond. In these cases we will always contact you to explain the reasons for this.

ID requirements

If the Council is not in a position to identify you then we may request further information to enable us to confirm identity. None of the rights are available unless we can confirm identity. 


If we are not able to comply with your request, we will explain to you why this is the case and you will have the right to complain.