
The Carbon Action Fund is now open for applications. The next deadline for submissions is 20 September 2024 at 5pm.


The purpose of this grant scheme is to provide funding for businesses and community organisations in East Devon to decarbonise their premises or to reuse/reduce waste in their production process. 

Funding can be used to purchase equipment such as solar PV, air-sourced heat pumps, insulation, LED lighting, etc. Multiple pieces of equipment can be applied for and the grant can also cover installation costs. 

Funding amounts 

Applicants can apply for up to £50,000 per individual business or community organisation. The minimum funding request is £2,000. All grants will be paid upfront.  

Grant requests between £50,000 and £100,000 for unique projects will be considered where the applicant can demonstrate significant carbon reductions. Applicants considering this should contact the team prior to submitting an application.

Businesses will need to match-fund at least 30% of their total project cost. For, community organisations, they must match-fund at least 10%.

For example, if your total project cost is £20,000, a business could apply for a CAF grant of up to £14,000, or £18,000 for a community organisation.

Eligibility criteria 

To be eligible to apply, applicants must:

  • Be seeking capital funding for a specific project to decarbonise or reuse/reduce waste
  • Be operating from at least one fixed premises in East Devon
  • Be primarily operating/trading within East Devon at the time of their application
  • Be able to provide a carbon survey and reduction plan of their organisation of the required scope and standard. A limited number of these are available for free through the Council's CAP scheme
  • Be able to get the equipment fully installed within 6 months of receiving funding (excluding complex projects) 
  • Not be in administration, insolvent or has been struck off the Companies House register
  • Not be requesting funding for a road vehicle or for EV charge-points for staff 

B&Bs must be registered for business rates to be eligible, and holiday lets must be owned by a business registered on Companies House.

A full list of eligibility criteria and guidance can be found in the CAF Policy

Application dates

All CAF applications will be determined by a Panel of EDDC councillors who will meet on a monthly basis. 

The deadline for applications to be considered at the next Panel meeting is 20 September 2024 at 5pm.

Applicants who submit before this deadline will be informed of the outcome of their application in mid to late October 2024. 

Deadlines and Panel meetings will continue on a monthly basis until we have run out of funding. 


There are steps you can take to prepare for an application before the CAF scheme launches.

The Checklist outlines all the documents and main points of information you will need to complete an application.

You can apply for this fund through our online form