
Carbon Action Fund

A grant scheme to help businesses and community organisations to decarbonise will be opening in Autumn 2024. This scheme will replace the Culture, Leisure and Tourism Fund which ran in 2023. 

To apply for funding through the Carbon Action Fund (CAF), an applicant must be able to provide a carbon survey and action plan of their business/organisation. 

Eligible businesses and community organisations can receive a free carbon survey and action plan by signing up to the wider programme. 

What can applicants apply for?

The CAF will provide capital funding for a specific 'decarbonisation' project identified within a carbon action plan.

A final list of eligible items and services has not yet been confirmed. We expect that equipment such as solar PV panels, air source heat pumps, LED lighting, insulation, etc. will be eligible.  

How much funding will be available? 

The Council has currently allocated £551,622 of funding for the CAF through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and local growth funding. 

The maximum and minimum amount of funding applicants can apply for, along with the rate of match-funding, has not yet been confirmed. 

We expect the maximum grant request will be between £20,000 and £30,000, with the minimum amount of match-funding likely to be between 30% and 50% for businesses and 10% for community organisations. 

How can I be kept up to date?

Further news and updates on the CAF, including launch dates, will be communicated through our business newsletter. Businesses and community organisations can sign up to the newsletter online. 


This grant scheme will be primarily funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund

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