
We are developing a new, five-year Economic Development Strategy (EDS) for East Devon that will address our core challenges and support Council Plan delivery. 

The Economic Development Strategy will set a clear vision for East Devon’s economy from 2024 to 2029. The key objectives of our EDS are:

  • To clearly set out a shared economic vision for the district.
  • To produce an action plan to bring about an achievable set of outcomes.
  • To outline how we will prioritise our resources.
  • To provide a consistent message on our economic priorities, aligned with the Council Plan, to help strengthen future funding bids.
  • To directly inform the development the delivery of other key strategies and plans.
  • To help identify shared objectives with our regional partners and local stakeholders.

Read the first consultation draft of the Economic Development Strategy

Vision and Policies

Our vision is for East Devon to have a sustainable and equitable economy geared towards the improved wellbeing of our residents and prosperity of our businesses.

The Economic Development Strategy contains five policies to focus our actions: an Industrial Policy; a Workspace Policy; an Environmental Policy; a Social Policy and a Resource Policy. Each is measured against a set of outcomes and is supported by a series of specific actions, highlighting the resources needed to achieve them.


The consultation was open from the 19th of February to the 10th of March and has now closed. 

All comments are being reviewed and considered. A second draft of the EDS will then be produced following this feedback.