Guide Apply for Business Rates reliefs and reductions

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2. Apply for Charity Rate Relief

Charitable organisations that occupy a non-domestic property for activities in connection with the purposes of that charity, are entitled to business rates relief of 80% of the bill.

We have the discretion to remit all or part of the remaining 20% of the organisation's bill. 

A charity shop will only receive this relief if it is wholly or mainly used for the sale of donated goods

To apply please email, including your Business Rates account number, name and address and we will send you an application form to complete and return to us.

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  • your Business Rates bill number 
  • your charity's registration number or
  • if you are not a registered charity, a copy of your Articles of Association or Statement of Aims and Objects or Trust documents to upload with the application

If you qualify for the relief, we will send you an amended bill.

If you do not qualify, we will notify you by email.