We are offering work experience for years 10 and 12 for students who attend a school in the East Devon Area between 14 and 18 July 2025.

How our work experience offer works

Our aim is to make your work experience with us as valuable as possible. Our work experience offer entails exposure to a range of different services and careers and is not limited to one area, we do this because our experience is that it can be hard for the student if they are confined to  an area which after a short period they realise is not a career they would be interested to pursue in the future.    Each student will be given a set project to complete in order to evidence tangible learning during their experience.     Each student will also have an opportunity to engage in a mock job interview so as to gain some experience of a recruitment process.

If you have a career that you are particularly interested in – please let us know and we will aim to incorporate this into the programme.

Previous students of our work experience programme said:

“Throughout the past week I have been shadowing and working with various different teams across numerous departments within East Devon District Council, providing me with a great insight into its operations and what career options are available. The opportunity has completely altered my perception of the organisation and I feel that many people are unaware of the actual day-to-day services that the Council manages which ultimately ensures that East Devon is a great place to live for all. I'm very grateful to have had this experience here and I believe that it would be really beneficial for more young people to get involved in opportunities in the Council to help work with the brilliant teams here to have their say on how to shape this region for the future.”