
Beer, Devon, UK - Photo by Red Zeppelin on Unsplash
Beer, Devon, UK - Photo by Red Zeppelin on Unsplash

This is the East Devon district council interim climate action plan which sets out the priority actions we will take as a council to work towards our pledge of being carbon neutral by 2040.

The Action Plan will also be used to encourage others to adopt a similar approach. Whilst this is primarily an EDDC plan it recognises the influence we have on partners, contractors and stakeholders who share our ambitions. We have an ambition to reduce our carbon use at every opportunity and work towards the Think Globally – Act Locally aspiration that is still relevant today.

We need to be brave and bold if we are genuinely committed to reducing our carbon footprint, and ensuring residents and business adopt similar aspirations.

We propose undertaking five yearly reviews to update and refresh the plan. This Action Plan is about social and organisational responsibility, lifestyle change and consideration for future generations.