
Hands holding a globe in the shape of a light bulb that contains several smaller images of buildings, a rainbow, two people shaking hands, trees
Hands holding a globe in the shape of a light bulb that contains several smaller images of buildings, a rainbow, two people shaking hands, trees

Small and medium sized businesses generate 44% of the UK’s non-household emissions.

Now is the time to calculate your business carbon emissions

Why is it important? Once you know how much your business is emitting, you can identify areas to reduce it, which can save you money long-term. Sign up and use this tool:  Sign up | Business Carbon Calculator ( For information on how the calculator works and to find out what else you can do, visit: Start measuring - SME Climate Hub

Here are ten things you can do right away: like making changes to your business travel routines, to a Green Energy tariff.

Check out EDDC's Business & Economy Bulletin 

For information on funding & grants, courses and workshops, awards and more, visit: Business & Economy Bulletin

Find out about decarbonisation support for businesses, East Devon Business Centre where you can hire conference spaces, get support, and more:  Business and investment - East Devon

Sign up to become a Plastic Free Champion and win an award for your Business

Once signed up, you’ll get a free toolkit and business dashboard that will help you to identify and remove singles plastics from your business.