
A group of people walking along a path whilst talking, with trees in the background
A group of people walking along a path whilst talking, with trees in the background

Latest surveys show that there are 163,500 voluntary organisations in the UK

Need some funds for your community-led initiative or idea?

East Devon have lots of grants on offer, including the Small Community Grant which could provide you with a non-repeatable fund of up to £500. Please note that applications are closed until the new year, but be ready to apply when they re-open! Check it out here: Grants available from us - East Devon

Got something that needs fixing?

Don't throw away your cracked crockery, old toy or electrical appliance just yet. Check out Visit a Repair Café Near You to find your nearest one, and save some cash!

Thelma Hulbert Gallery

Have a look at what’s on at the THG, they hold many free events with fun activities to do with friends and family, or just with your own company.

Looking to lend or borrow something like a sewing machine or hedge cutter?

Library of Things is a service that allows you to borrow Things for your home, projects and adventures, such as tools, books, games and more. Check out Exmouth’s Library of Things.

Devon Communities Together is here to help you and your community

The service is there to train, support and advise groups and individuals on things like grant funding opportunities and learning and training. Visit here to find out more about how they can assist you: East Devon VCSE support service | Devon Communities Together

To access their social media platforms which are regularly updated with events they are holding and advice, click here: Contact us | Devon Communities Together