
A meadow by the Sidmouth sea
A meadow by the Sidmouth sea

75% of bees, butterflies and other friendly insects live in urban gardens

For the love of Bees!

Did you know there are 270 species of bees that have been recorded in the UK? The Great British Bee Count | Friends of the Earth

Want to find out what's going on locally?

For more information on how we are Improving Green Spaces for Wildlife , check out this link! 

Want to do something in your own back garden?

Grow your own potatoes- all you need is a pot, compost and seed potatoes! Have a look here: How to Grow Potatoes in a Pot

Build a bug hotel and become a mini-beast host– have a look here to find out how to make your own: Make a bug hotel

Fancy a day trip?

Visit one of our beautiful Nature Reserves, there’s 8 to choose from! Wild East Devon Nature Reserves - East Devon.