8. Fraud response plan
The key documents that contain the procedures to be followed in the event of fraud are the:
- Fraud investigation process in Section 11 below
- Paragraph 11 of Code of Conduct for Employees
- Disciplinary Policy
The Welcome Process for new employees will explain this, and related policies and procedures. Council staff are positively encouraged to raise any concerns about fraud, theft and corruption that they may have on these issues where they are associated with the Council’s activities. Concerns must be raised when Members or employees reasonably believe that one or more of the following has occurred, is in the process of occurring, or is likely to occur:
- A criminal offence
- A failure to comply with a statutory or legal obligation (such as our Standing Orders or Financial Procedure Rules) or any other unlawful action
- Improper unauthorised use of public or other funds
- A miscarriage of justice
- Improper conduct,
- Malpractice or acting against established practice / policies,
- A health and safety danger
- A risk of environmental damage, or
- Concealment of any of the above.
They can do this in the knowledge that such concerns will be treated in confidence and properly investigated.