Policy Anti-fraud, theft and corruption policy

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11. Whistleblowing

The Council is aware of the difficulties and conflicts that may arise for staff and Members who suspect a colleague of fraud, theft or corruption. It is nevertheless essential that all instances be reported without delay. It is incumbent on all staff and Members to report any suspicions related to the workplace. Our Whistleblowing Policy outlines the details and procedures for employees and members of the public. 

Wherever possible, all instances reported will be treated in the strictest confidence and in extreme cases, facilities exist to report anonymously. It is, however, impossible to guarantee anonymity, especially where disciplinary action or prosecution arises.


The Bribery Act 2010 came into force in July 2011 and made bribery a  criminal offence. Our Bribery Policy outlines our approach to meeting the legal requirements and provides a consistent framework for officers and councillors.