3. Service aims
2.1 The Council’s Service Aims with regard to Planning Enforcement are:
- To operate in accordance with the procedures outlined in this Plan and the overarching Regulatory Enforcement and Prosecution Policy published by the Council;
- To remedy harm caused by breaches of planning control in the interests of protecting and enhancing the built and natural environment of East Devon and the amenity of its residents and visitors;
- To strike a balance between protecting public safety, amenity and other important interests and enabling acceptable development to take place, even though it may initially have been unauthorised;
- To ensure that the policies and the credibility of the Council and the planning system is not undermined;
- To carry out all enforcement duties openly, fairly, helpfully, proportionately and consistently and to consider each case on its own facts and merits;
- To maintain the confidentiality of complainants.
- To investigate all reasonable complaints where complainant details are provided;
- Complaints will be prioritised according to their urgency and potential harm;
- Enforcement action will be taken where it is expedient to remedy harmful consequences and when it is in the wider public interest;
- Ensure that any formal action is proportionate to the breach.