Information Council Plan
The Council Plan 2024-2028 provides the framework and direction for our work in providing services to our residents and businesses. The plan sets out our four key priority areas and what we are doing to support them.
Our priorities
1. A supported and engaged community that has the right homes in the right places, with appropriate infrastructure.
2. A sustainable environment that is moving towards carbon neutrality and which promotes ecological recovery.
3. A vibrant and resilient economy that supports local business, provides local jobs and leads to a reduction in poverty and inequality.
4. A well-managed, financially secure and continuously improving council that delivers quality services.
Underpinning all the activities within these four key priorities is an emphasis on ensuring that the infrastructure in the district enables well-supported communities, sustainable development, a growing economy and a public sector that works in partnership with others. Alongside this is a commitment to secure the resources to deliver the Council Plan and to be an efficient council with sound financial management, that is open to innovation, is flexible and resilient in delivering these priorities.
The full version of our Council Plan 2024-2028 sets out all of the actions and measures that will support us to achieving our vision for the district.