
We are committed to supporting and promoting dignity at work by creating an inclusive work environment. All our employees should be able to fulfil their potential in a workplace free from discrimination and harassment where diverse skills, perspectives and backgrounds are recognised and valued.

In order to achieve this, it is important that we collect, store and analyse data relating to our workforce. Workforce monitoring is a useful tool for the council to measure whether our equality and human resources policies and practices are effective. This information is also required for the purpose of fulfilling the council’s statutory employment duties.

We do not want to intrude into an employee’s personal life but we do want to ensure that the entire workforce can work in a safe and welcoming environment that allows them to fulfil their potential free from discrimination. 

Workforce monitoring statistics 

Gender Pay Gap analysis

Data is as at 31 March 2024 – this is a statutory date and covers all employees paid in that pay period who are in employment on that date. 




MEAN (the average value of all hourly rates calculated separately for males and females and then % difference between the two)

2.43% lower than males


MEDIAN (the middle value of all the hourly rates calculated separately for males and females in descending order, highest first and then the % difference between the two)


4.29% lower than females

Quartiles – All employees listed from the highest hourly rate to lowest, equally divided into 4 quartiles. 



  •   Upper (138 employees)



  •   Upper Middle (138 employees)



  •   Lower Middle (138 employees)



  •   Lower (138 employees)

