There are a large number of public events that take place throughout the year. Many wonderful events are organised by businesses, committed groups and volunteers who put in often huge amounts of time and energy to arrange them and open to the public.

The scope of events can be very large, from an afternoon preschool fund raiser, a firework display, a vintage transport display,  to a very complex event such as music festivals with music stages, public displays, retail sales, on-site accommodation and food vendors.

An event organiser has prime responsibility for protecting the health, safety and welfare of everyone working at, or attending an event.

East Devon District Council has an established Safety Advisory Group (SAG) provide advice and guidance to event planners and organisers of large events in staging their events, and help them understand their individual responsibilities and those of other agencies involved.

Events that should consider attending a SAG include those

  • involving more than 500 people, or
  • with licensable activities, or
  • requiring road closures, or
  • with higher risk activities such as fireworks/water activities/pedestrian-vehicle proximity 

Core membership of the SAG includes:

  • EDDC
  • Devon and Cornwall Police,
  • Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service
  • South West Ambulance Trust
  • Devon County Council

Event organisers will need to consider safety, security, staffing, risk and insurance arrangements. Please remember that time and detailed planning are the key to organising safe and successful public events.

The East Devon Safety Advisory Group meet online via Teams.

You should give notice of your event at least three months before the event is taking place. This is to give us time to understand the basic details and areas of planning that may require additional advice. You will be asked to provide an Event Management Plan, Risk Assessment, Emergency Procedures, Traffic Management Plan and a location map as appropriate for your event.

We have also developed a format for a Event Management Plan to help organisers see what questions need to be specifically addressed in a Event Management Plan  

If you are planning to organise an event as an individual or as part of a group then please contact