Information Environmental permitting (PPC)
We are required to regulate certain types of business activity, such as petrol stations or dry-cleaning establishments. This is to reduce pollution and to help improve air quality.
Businesses which operate these premises are required to have a permit which sets out how pollution should be minimised. We issue permits to ‘Part B’ premises to control pollution to air, and ‘Part A’ premises to control pollution to air, land and water.
Regulations state which business activities require a permit. Operators can check if they need to apply for a permit on the GOV.UK website.
The EP Regulations include four separate, but linked, systems of pollution control:
- integrated pollution prevention and control (IPPC), which covers installations known as A(1) installations, which are regulated by the Environment Agency
- local authority integrated pollution prevention and control (LA-IPPC) which covers installations known as A(2) installations, which are regulated by local councils
- local authority pollution prevention and control (LAPPC), which covers installations known as Part B installations, also regulated by local councils
- waste activities (previously covered by the Waste Management Regulations), which are generally regulated by the Environment Agency
All 4 systems require the operators of certain industrial and other installations to obtain a permit to operate. Regulators must set permit conditions based on the use of the best available techniques (BAT) to control pollution. For part A (1), A(2) and waste installations the permit conditions must cover pollution to air, land and water. The permit may also cover energy efficiency, site restoration, noise, odour, waste minimisation, accident prevention and heat and vibrations. Permit conditions for Part B installations will only cover emissions to air.
In East Devon there are currently 39 Part B installations, three Part A(2) installations and one Small Waste Incineration Plant regulated by us. These include dry cleaners, petrol stations, waste oil burners, vehicle re-sprayers and concrete batching plants.
You can view a full list of Part A2 and Part B processes in East Devon.
If you wish to apply for or vary a permit, please contact
Central government sets fees for environmental permits, including subsistence fees for existing operators and application fees. The fees vary depending on the type of business activity and environmental performance.
Operators can view fees and charges for Part B permits and A2 permits and Small Waste Incineration Plants.
We are required to a keep a Public Register of all businesses with a permit in East Devon. You can view this information on request.
For further information please email