
What is radon?

Radon is a radioactive gas, we can't see, smell or taste it: you need special equipment to detect it. It comes from the rocks and soil found everywhere in the UK. The radon level in the air we breathe outside is very low but can be higher inside buildings.
  • Radon increases your risk of lung cancer
  • The higher the radon, the longer the exposure, the greater the risk
  • Radon causes over 1,100 deaths from lung cancer each year in the UK
  • Half of these deaths occur among the quarter of the population who are current smokers
  • Radon produces a radioactive dust in the air we breathe. The dust is trapped in our airways and emits radiation that damages the inside of our lungs. This damage, like the damage caused by smoking, increases our risk of lung cancer.

UK Radon - The UK reference site on radon from Public Health England (PHE)

Public Health England are the UK's primary experts on radiation protection, represents a significant nationwide resource for the public, industry, education, research and medicine and is the primary resource for advice about radon in the UK.

You can order Radon reports from UKRadon which will tell you the estimated probability above the action level and measurements kits. UKRadon has extensive Radon and health information.

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE)

The radioactive gas radon is a hazard in many homes and  workplaces. Radon hazards are  simple and cheap to measure and relatively easy to address if levels are high. Under  UK  regulations all employers must review the potential radon hazard in their  premises. Get help from The Health and Safety Executive

The British Geological Survey (BGS)

If you are buying, building or extending a home, then you need to know about radon, and there are several reports available for you via the British Geological Survey

The Radon Council

Formed in 1990, The Radon Council is the Independent non-profit making self-regulatory body for the radon protection industry. Its formation was welcomed in the Interim Report of the Parliamentary Select Committee on Indoor Pollution, which called upon industry to provide a solution to the radon problem. The Council has now drawn up an Approved List of Contractors offering advice and services involving remedial work for radon gas.

Building Research Establishment (BRE)

Learn about Radon in the home and workplace, the risks to health, how to protect new buildings and reduce radon in existing buildings, and where to get help from the Building Research Establishment.

The Radon dataset

The radon potential dataset provides the current definitive map of radon affected areas in England and Wales. It was created jointly by the Health Protection Agency and the British Geological Survey using long-term radon measurements made in over 460000 homes across England and Wales combined with digital geological mapping. The in house radon measurements have been used without prejudicing confidentiality undertakings to householders. The data is provided by British Geological Survey.

East Devon can provide detailed site specific location reports. The radon potential dataset answers two questions:

  • Is a property in a Radon affected area
  • What level of Radon protective measures do I need to install if I am building a new building or an extension to an existing building?