1. Bedbugs
Bedbugs are brown, blood feeding insects, measuring up to 6mm long. They are active mainly at night.
Females can lay up to 200 eggs at a rate of four to five a day which are glued in various areas in and around beds and will only hatch above 13°C. Bedbugs hide in crevices in beds, mattresses, bedroom furniture and also behind skirting boards and under loose wallpaper.
They may be introduced to a property on second hand furniture, on suitcases after returning home from holiday and on other personal possessions.
Signs of a bedbug infestation can include:
- red, irritating bites on the neck
- shoulders or arms, small blood smears on the bed linen
- clusters of dark spots on the bed frame or edges of the mattress
- the actual discovery of small, brownish insects in and around the bed
Bedbug bites cause red, irritating marks and some people can develop a more severe allergic reaction, but they are not a known carrier of disease. Many people suffering from bedbugs in their property will experience disturbed sleep until the problem is fully treated. Infestations in the home can spread from room to room and in some cases adjoining properties if the problem is not dealt with.
How do I get rid of them?
A comprehensive treatment of any furniture or rooms affected by bedbugs should be carried out by a pest control professional to ensure that the infestation is fully eradicated. It often takes a number of hours to properly inspect and treat a bed bug infestation and follow-up visits are generally required. Guidance for residents on bedbugs and how to prepare a property prior to treatment is available from the Greater London Pest Liaison Group.
Unfortunately we do not have a service to treat bedbugs. We can provide assistance on identifying the insect which is affecting you and we can also provide guidance on how you should deal with a bedbug problem. If you would like our Environmental Health team to contact you, please fill in the online pest investigation form or contact our customer service team on 01395 571517.