Information Feniton Flood Alleviation Scheme
The proposed route of the Feniton Flood Alleviation Scheme
Orange Circles - Service Points
Blue Lines - Drainage Channels
Yellow Lines - Underground Pipes
Scheme Overview
60 properties in the centre of New Feniton experienced flooding in October 2008 as the existing watercourse was unable to cope with the quantity of water.
Along with partner agencies The Environment Agency and Devon County Council, we have agreed a scheme to collect flood water from above the village and divert it via a 1050mm diameter pipe down through the village to a new section of open channel at Metcombe Cottage.
The scheme also includes for property level protection to a number of properties further downstream.
Planning permission was granted in 2015.
Phase 1
As part of the main scheme around the village, East Devon District Council had to protect properties downstream of Ottery Road.
Phase 1 included a new ditch around Metcombe & Sweethams Cottage and a ditch bypassing the ponds at Gosford Farm.
This work was completed January 2016.
Phase 2
Phase 2 consists of property protection works at The Oaks, Pines Cottage and Iron Gate Lodge. This consists of the construction of flood gates, walls and raised drives. All works for Phase 2 are now complete.
Phase 3
Phase 3 involves connection of the pipe underneath the railway line between Exeter St David’s and Waterloo.
Discussions are currently ongoing with Network Rail with regard to how this is best procured and how the risks to the rail network are managed. Works are anticipated to commence in 2020.
Phase 4 will connect to this section of works as soon as practicable once the rail crossing is in place.
Phase 4
Phase 4 consists of the installation of the 1050mm diameter pipe, and the channels which feed into it.
Starting at Metcombe Cottage, the pipe will be installed up to and connected into the railway crossing installed as part of Phase 3.
The pipe will continue north of the railway, across Green lane and into Wells Avenue heading northwards through Warwick Close.
The pipe will pass through the corner of the Wainhomes site, into the Parish Council’s play area and head north towards the Youth Centre.
It will re-enter the Wainhomes site before travelling north to cross Station Road before entering the fields behind Mount View, where a swale and bund will be constructed to route flood flows into the new culvert.
Works took place in 2021.