Information Update on the Parishes Together Fund
The Parishes Together Fund is now permanently closed.
We worked with Devon County Council again between April 2017 and March 2018 to put the sum of £1.10 per elector into a Parishes Together Fund grants scheme that Town and Parish Councils could apply for. The funding was also available in 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016. Our part of the funding came from the New Homes Bonus, which is paid by the government to us for every new home built or brought back into use.
The funding was available to town and parish councils involving the community to try and solve local issues. All applications had to benefit more than one town or parish council area. The funding could be used for anything from permanent items to events, networks and one-off costs.
The Communities Together Fund was available from mid-2018 to early 2019. However, this was significantly different to the Parishes Together Fund.