
Under Strategy 35, exception sites providing mixed affordable and open market housing schemes for up to or around 15 dwellings may be allowed in villages and outside of Built Up Area Boundaries (BUAB). 

There must be a proven local need demonstrated through an up to date robust housing need survey and affordable housing must account for at least 66% of all the houses built.

  • Villages with a BUAB the scheme should be abutting or physically closely related to that boundary.
  • Villages without a BUAB the scheme should be physically very well related to the built form of the village.

You will need to demonstrate the following:

  • The affordable housing need would not otherwise be met
  • The settlement has a population of less than 3,000 persons
  • The scheme is well designed and sympathetic to the character of the settlement
  • The scheme is close to community services and facilities (four or more of the following; school, pub, village hall, shop/post office, doctors surgery, place of worship or public transport service)
  • Satisfactory highway access
  • That the occupants, both initially and in the future, are in housing need and are a resident of the Parish group or have a local connection.