
Our work supports the council’s climate change declaration in various ways, bringing people out to connect with their local environment an improving their health and wellbeing.

Orchard Projects

There are currently 4 community orchard projects in East Devon which are looked after by the Communities team and the local community. Bidmead in Exmouth, Broadview in Broadclyst, Millwey in Axminster and Moormead in Budleigh.  There are several events each year celebrating the orchards meaning areas that were previously mown are now planted and being used by the community.


Several rewilding projects have been requested by tenants including a change to mowing schedule in Broadview which increased wildlife and supported the native hedgehog population.  We also planted a hedge at Broadview in Broadclyst to replace a metal fence and increase biodiversity.  Other projects which have been requested are a community garden and wildlife area.

Litter picks

We organise and support community litter picks.  Last year we took a group of children from Seaton primary school to do a beach clean litter pick and to learn more about the habitat with the Marine Conservation Society. 

Get involved

If you would like to suggest a project or get involved in one please get in touch with us by email or by phone 01395 517453.