
Our panels are consulted on policies and procedures. They review feedback from residents and performance information, which they can question and query. They can make suggestions based on this information on improvements that can be made. The meetings are between two to four hours, four times a year. Preparation and reading in advance of meetings required. The Scrutiny Panel can meet or liaise as often as weekly when working on a project.

The groups below influence key decisions and scrutinise our housing services

Housing Review Board

This group meets four times a year and reviews new housing policies, procedures and budgets. This requires reading and research in own time and ongoing commitment. The Housing Review Board is one of the council’s formal governance committees, made up of five councillors, five residents or leaseholders, and two independent community representatives.

If you would like the opportunity to make a difference we would love to hear from you.

Resident Involvement Monitoring Group

This group will meet every six months. They will monitor our progress against this strategy, making sure we are keeping to our performance targets. The group will review progress against the detailed action plan which has been drawn up alongside this strategy and hold the council accountable for achieving our aims. They will ensure that resident feedback is incorporated into our service planning.

Resident and Leaseholder Panel

This group gives feedback about changes to their housing service that could affect them. This is the main way consultation happens. Members of this panel will have the chance to review things in detail, ask questions and shape the way the Housing Service works for them. Their feedback is considered with other types of resident feedback, like focus groups and surveys.

Repairs and Maintenance Panel

This group of residents meets regularly in a formal meeting environment. They look at the performance of the council and its contractors against its expected or target goals. They ask questions about any areas where performance is not where it should be making sure that they understand any issues and are happy with any measures being put in place to resolve those issues.

This group identifies areas for improvement in the provision of housing repairs and are included in decisions surrounding the selection and appointment of contractors. They look at the budgets for the various areas within the repairs service and check that the council and its contractors are providing value for money.

Resident Scrutiny Panel

This group meet regularly to investigate and review specific topics or areas within the Housing Service. They undertake detailed research and suggest improvements that can be made to the Housing review Board. They plan to complete three areas of scrutiny each year. They also regularly review previous scrutiny reports to ensure agreed recommendations are implemented and to measure the effectiveness and results of those improvements.

Housing Complaints Support Panel

This panel is working to improve the service residents receive if they need to make a complaint. They will do this by making quality checks on all aspects of complaint handling and performance. They also look at the big picture and look for common themes with the complaints received. This helps the Housing Service find the areas it needs to improve.

To register your interest in these groups contact the communities team on 01395 517 453 or or complete the online registration form.