
Home Upgrade Grants

Home Upgrade Grant 2 is full and now closed - May 2024

The Devon Home Upgrade Grant 2 scheme is full due to the large amounts of eligible applicants and the limited government funding.  Devon County Council and Energy Saving Devon partners including East Devon District Council are no longer able to accept new applicants. 

You may still register your interest in future Government retrofit schemes here:  Home Upgrade Grant 2 - Energy Saving Devon. Energy Saving Devon and Devon County Council will contact you if similar opportunities for funding become available in 2025.

Energy Saving Advice

Energy Saving Advice – Energy Saving Devon Energy Saving Advice - Energy Saving Devon

Retrofit, is when a property is fitted with energy efficiency or renewable energy measures after it has been built. Retrofitting your home helps to cut down on the amount of energy you use to heat, cool or power your home.

This focus on energy efficiency is why retrofitting differs from renovating a house or making home improvements which are commonly designed to improve a home’s look or functionality.

Why retrofit your home?

Retrofitting your home can help to lower your energy bills, make your home warmer, improve indoor air quality; and reduce your carbon footprint. Britain’s 28 million existing homes are responsible for around 15% of the UK’s carbon emissions, according to the Committee for Climate Change. So join the retrofit movement.

Types of retrofitting

Retrofitting can range from small activities such as fitting energy-efficient light bulbs to installing state of the art heating systems. Retrofitting measures include:

  • Insulating roofs
  • Insulating walls
  • Insulating floors
  • Installing double-glazed windows
  • Improved ventilation design
  • Reducing draughts, primarily around windows and doors
  • More efficient heating and hot water systems
  • Installing heat pumps or solar panels
Does your home need retrofitting?

Our Energy Saving Devon Plan Builder can help you decide which measures are most suitable for your home depending on your aim.

What are the benefits of retrofitting?

Retrofitting your home can radically improve your comfort; energy use and subsequent carbon footprint; improve your health and reduce your bills.

Individual homes or building owners can contact Energy Saving Devon for advice on measures to make their homes more energy efficient, healthier and more comfortable.

See some examples of people who have carried out retrofit projects in their homes

Is financial assistance available to me?

Costs can vary depending on the size of your house, its energy efficiency, and how old it is. Just as there is no one-size-fits-all approach to retrofitting, there is no set cost of improvements.  

Ultimately, what you pay as part of a retrofit you will hope to get back in long-term energy savings. You can get more advice on costs when you speak to one of Energy Saving Devon’s trusted advisors or visit our funding page.

Landlords and minimum energy efficiency standards

For landlords the retrofit of property may increase the overall value and rental income of the home. And helps landlords comply with the laws on minimum efficiency standards in private rented homes. Domestic private rented property: minimum energy efficiency standard - landlord guidance - GOV.UK (

Grants for Landlords

Tenants of private rented properties can apply for grants up to a cap. The landlord will need contribute at least one third towards the cost of the work or a minimum £3500.

For landlords the retrofit of property may increase the overall value and rental income of the home. And helps landlords comply with the laws on minimum efficiency standards in private rented homes. Domestic private rented property: minimum energy efficiency standard - landlord guidance - GOV.UK (

Exeter Community Energy - Free energy saving advice

Free Energy Saving advice from Exeter Community Energy. Healthy Homes for Wellbeing, a new project from Exeter Community Energy (ECOE), is a free energy advice service for Exeter residents. As well as regular drop in clinics and advice surgeries around East Devon, free home visits are also available for those who are eligible.

Fully trained home energy advisors provide:

  • Energy saving tips
  • Help with changing supplier or tariff and applying for discounts
  • Referral for help with benefits and energy debt
  • Information about grants availability for insulation and boiler upgrades
  • Signing up for priority services register
  • Free energy saving measures (e.g. LED light bulbs, draught proofing) 

Local Energy Advice Program

LEAP Home Visits

ECOE has partnered with LEAP, (Local Energy Advice Partnership), a free home visit service for vulnerable residents. Important advice, support and energy saving measures are provided to eligible households.

The criteria for eligibility are deliberately broad to cater for the wide range of issues that contribute to vulnerability and fuel poverty. To be eligible for home visits, only one criteria needs to be met including having a low income; receiving tax credits, housing benefits, income and disability related benefits; have a long term illness (physical or mental) or disability; recent bereavement.

To learn more about LEAP, to find out if you are eligible for a free home visit, or to find your nearest drop in energy clinic, contact the ECOE Energy Advice Team:

Energy Company Obligation (ECO)

Eco Flex information and statement of intent page.