Guide How to avoid dampness and mould from condensation

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2. Too much moisture being produced in your home

Our everyday activities add extra moisture to the air inside our homes. Even our breathing adds some moisture!

To give you an idea how much extra water some of the regular activities you might do in your home add to the air, here are a few illustrations:


Extra Water

2 People at home throughout the day 3 pints
A bath or shower 2 pints
Drying clothes indoors 9 pints
Cooking and use of a kettle 6 pints
Washing Dishes 2 pints
Total 22 pints

The good news is there are ways to reduce this.

If possible, hang your washing outside to dry, but if you can’t, then hang it in a bathroom with the door closed and a window slightly open or an extractor fan on. It’s best to not put clothes on radiators on front of a radiant heater, but if you do, make sure you open a window to give some ventilation.

When cooking, put the lids on pans, and do not leave kettles boiling. It’s also good to open windows when cooking and when washing up, or turn on the extractor fan if you have one. Close the kitchen door when cooking to stop the damp air from spreading to other rooms. It’s a good idea to leave a window slightly open or extractor fan on for about 20 minutes after you have finished cooking or washing up.

When showering or bathing, make sure your extractor fan is on, or a window is slightly open to allow the moist air to escape. As in the kitchen, keep the door shut when showering or bathing to stop damp air spreading to other rooms.