11. What happens next?
- You will receive an acknowledgement by email or letter to say that the application pack has been received and a receipt for the fee enclosed if fee is not paid online.
- The council will determine the application as quickly as possible, however depending on the demand this may take a couple of months. During this period you will not be committing an offence by continuing to let the property. The determination may also include a visit by an officer to assess the property.
- Once a decision has been made you will be notified of the decision by letter.
- If the decision is to issue the licence a 'draft' licence with a copy of the conditions the Council intends to attach will be sent to you.
- You will then have 14 days to make any representations regarding the decision and the conditions
- If there are no representations made the licence will be issued after 14 days
- If the decision is to refuse the Licence you will be advised accordingly.