
Ref No.058083

Premises: Blackmore Coronation Gardens Blackmore Drive, SIDMOUTH, Devon, EX10 8LA

Ward: Sidmouth Town

Name of Applicant: Sidmouth Jazz & Blues Festival Ltd

Premises Licence Application to include


Premises Open Hours requested
Thursday & Friday 18:00 to 23:00
Saturday to Monday 10:00 to 23:00

Activities - Times requested
E. Performance of live music (Outdoors)
Thursday 18:00 to 22:00
Friday 18:00 to 22:30
Saturday to Monday 11:00 to 22:30
F. Playing of recorded music (Outdoors)
Thursday 18:00 to 22:00
Friday 18:00 to 22:30
Saturday to Monday 10:00 to 22:30
H. Entertainment of a similar description to that falling within E, F, or G (Outdoors)
Thursday 18:00 to 22:00
Friday 18:00 to 22:30
Saturday to Monday 10:00 to 22:30
J. Supply of alcohol for consumption ON and OFF the premises
Thursday 18:00 to 22:00
Friday 18:00 to 22:30
Saturday to Monday 12:00 to 22:30


Arrangements for planning and organising this event will - where reasonably practicable - be in accordance with guidance issued by the HSE and the HSE and IOSH supported ‘Purple Guide’. There will be an Event Management Plan accompanied with relevant Risk Assessments. The objective of these documents will be to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the safety of the public and staff in their enjoyment of the event and to promote a unified, co-ordinated response should any emergency arise from the event. To achieve this objective, the main aims of this plan will be to:

- To identify roles, duties and responsibilities for the creation of an Event Management Team and key contractors

- To identify lines of communication and control

- To identify safety and welfare measures and the implementation of them

The Event Management Team will use their knowledge and experience of similar events when planning this event to ensure that they comply with legal requirements at all times and that, where possible and applicable, Approved Codes of Practice and Guidance are followed in presenting the event. Additionally, we will use the “4Cs” in planning for safety - Competence, Control, Co-operation and Communication.

COMPETENCE - All staff and contractors employed for this Event will be chosen for their competence in their particular field.

CONTROL & COOPERATION - The Event Management team and Event H&S Advisor will have input into the planning of the Event and will use the outcomes of the team meetings and site visits to determine a hierarchy of control and a set of documents relating to the control of the Event as a whole. The Event Management Team will involve Responsible Authorities, other Local Council Departments, Emergency Services and contractors as necessary in planning the Event.

COMMUNICATION - Effective communication is seen as the key to controlling risks and ensuring safe and professional operation of the Event. To enable a safe and well managed event to take place, communication must be maintained throughout. This will include communication prior to and during the event between the Event Management Team and

Responsible Agencies; communication with the public before and during the event; and during the event open periods, provision of an effective Event Control system primarily using radios and with back-up systems of mobile phones and group messages to act as a communication centre to receive, log, distribute and control the flow of information across all

departments during the event.

No bar staff under the age of 18 will be employed.

All bar staff will be fully briefed by DPS on licensing legislation prior to the gates opening.

Challenge 25 policy in operation.

Alcohol from bar to be consumed on premises.

Alcohol from traders may be sold in sealed bottles for later consumption.

SIA registered security staff will be on duty from gate opening to close and will monitor the event site at all times.

SIA Registered security staff to be located at gates and bar at all times throughout opening hours. A minimum of 3 staff on duty per shift.

Illegal substances will not be permitted on the event site.

Bag and random body searches (via attendee profiling) will be in operation at the ticket checkpoints.

The main access and egress points will be stewarded and lit after dark.

Advice will be sought from Devon & Cornwall Police Authority and additional measures will be taken if thought necessary.

Acknowledgment of the audience demographics will be taken into account with regards to security provision and bag searches.

All aspects of staff and public safety are addressed in the Event Management Plan and associated appendices. As a minimum, the following measures will be in place:

  • All aspects of the event operation will be risk assessed and necessary provisions made to limit the impact of that risk.
  • All interested parties (including SAG) will be consulted throughout the event planning stages and measures will be taken as necessary.
  • Event briefings will take place prior to gate opening, throughout the event (if necessary) and a hot debrief will take place as required after each day of the event.
  • The following provisions will be in place in line with the “Event Safety Guide” and as dictated by the Event Risk Assessment.
  • Medical and First aid
  • Stewards & Security
  • Fire provision inc appropriate FFE
  • Sanitary facilities
  • A maximum capacity for the venue will be adhered to in order to ensure the safety of all whilst arriving, on site and leaving the event site.
  • Access for emergency vehicles to be maintained at all times

The following measures will be in place to limit the impact of the event on the local area:

  • Mitigation on noise and disturbance to local residents to be identified within Event Management Plan including but not limited to:

        - Use of line array directional PA system

        - Use of Cardioid Sub units to mitigate low frequency spill

        - Noise monitoring at identified residential properties

        - Out of hours phone number promulgated to residents in advance

        - No amplified music post 22:30hrs

        - No amplified music prior to 11:00hrs

        - Full site clearance no later than 23:00hrs

        - Use of a noise management plan with propagation data contained within the EMP

  • Event finish time will be in accordance with published timings and as agreed with the venue.
  • Waste Management and continual litter picking will take place during each event day; all waste associated with the event will be removed immediately after the event with a final sweep carried out the following morning post event.
  • Overnight security lighting to not impact on local residential buildings

All children under the age of 18 will be accompanied by a parent/guardian.

As parties enter the site each child will be issued with a wrist band onto which guardians will be encouraged to write a mobile phone number. Should a child then be misplaced the number can be called and the child re-united with the guardian.

Guardians/Parents will be required to complete a “Lost Child” document prior to re-uniting.

Proof of age provisions will be in place at all public bars; all bar staff will be briefed on age restriction policies.

All stewards to be fully briefed on the measures in place to protect children/vulnerable adults from harm.

All members of staff will be made aware of the Lost and Found Child Procedure, set out in the Event Management Plan.

Last Date for receipt of representations by the Licensing Authority
29th July 2024

Ref No. 058104

Premises: Co-op Axminster (Formerly Oliver Joseph Fitness), Lyme Street, AXMINSTER, Devon, EX13 5AU

Ward: Axminster

Name of Applicant: Co-operative Group Food Limited

Premises Licence Application to include
Premises Open Hours requested
Monday to Sunday 06:00 to 23:00

Activities - Times requested
J. Supply of alcohol for consumption OFF the premises only
Monday to Sunday 06:00 to 23:00



1.1. The Premises Licence Holder shall install and maintain a CCTV system at the premises giving coverage of all customer entry points and areas to which customers have access in any lighting conditions.

1.2. Such CCTV system shall be in operation whilst the premises are open for licensable activities and shall be capable of providing frontal identification of customers.

1.3. All CCTV recordings shall be retained for a minimum of 28 days and shall be date and time stamped.

1.4. CCTV recordings should be made immediately available for inspection upon receipt of a request by the Police and Authorised Officer of the Licensing Authority.

1.5. A member of staff shall always be present on the premises whilst they are open who is capable of operating the CCTV system and able to facilitate immediate viewing of CCTV footage upon the request of the Police and Authorised Officer of the Licensing Authority.

2. Proof of Age

2.1. A Proof of Age Scheme, such as Challenge 25, shall be operated premises whereby the only acceptable forms of identification are a valid passport, UK driving licence, any form of identification containing the PASS hologram, military identification or any other form of identification time to time approved by the Secretary of State.

3. Incident Log

3.1. An Incident Record, whether kept in written or electronic form, shall be maintained at the premises and made available on request to the Police or an Authorised Officer of the Licensing Authority. The Incident Record shall record any complaints received in connection with the licensable activity committed at the premises, any faults with the CCTV system,

any refusal to sell alcohol at the premises, and any visit to the premises by a responsible authority in connection with the licensable activity permitted at the premises.

4. Staff Training

All staff engaged in licensable activity at the premises will receive training and information in relation to the following:

i. The Challenge 25 scheme in operation at the premises, including the forms of identification that are acceptable.

ii. The hours and activities permitted by the premises licence issued under the Licensing Act 2003 and conditions attached to the licence.

iii. How to complete and maintain the refusal register in operation at the premises (in relation to the sale of alcohol).

iv. Recognising the signs of drunkenness.

v. The operating procedures for refusing service to any person who is drunk, under-age or appears to be under-age, or appears to be making a proxy purchase.

vi. Action to be taken in the event of an emergency, including reporting an incident to the emergency services.

Training shall be recorded in documentary form and shall be regularly refreshed at no greater than 12-month intervals.

Training records shall be made available for inspection and copying at reasonable times upon request of an authorised officer of a responsible authority. Training records will be retained for at least 12 months.

5. Miscellaneous

5.1. A notice must be displayed in the premises explaining that it is an offence for persons under the age of 18 to purchase alcohol.

5.2. A panic alarm shall be installed and maintained at the premises. A burglar alarm system shall be installed and maintained at the premises.


The premises licence holder shall ensure that the appropriate fire safety, and health and safety regulations are applied at the premises.


A complaints procedure will be maintained, details of which will be made available in store and upon request.


1. All staff will receive comprehensive training in relation to age restricted products and in particular the sale of alcohol. No member of staff will be permitted to sell age restricted products until such time as they have successfully completed the aforementioned training.

2. An age till prompt system will be utilised at the premises in respect of age restricted products.

3. A refusals register (whether kept and written or electronic form) will be maintained at the premises and will be made available for inspection upon request by an authorised Officer of the Police or the Local Authority.

Last Date for receipt of representations by the Licensing Authority
1st August 2024

Ref No. 058164

Premises: Field adjacent to Otter Nurseries Car Park, Alfington Road B3177, OTTERY ST MARY, Devon

Ward: Ottery St Mary 

Name of Applicant: Ottery St Mary Food & Families Festival

Premises Licence Application to include

"TIME LIMITED PREMISES LICENCE FOR 14TH SEPTEMBER 2024 ONLY - Ottery St Mary Food & Families Festival"

Premises Open Hours requested
Saturday 09:30 to 19:00

Activities - Times requested
E. Performance of live music (Indoors & Outdoors)
Saturday 09:30 to 18:00
F. Playing of recorded music (Indoors & Outdoors)
Saturday 09:30 to 18:00
G. Performance of dance (Outdoors)
Saturday 10:00 to 16:00
J. Supply of alcohol for consumption ON and OFF the premises
Saturday 10:00 to 18:00

Ottery St Mary Food and Families festival is marketed widely as a family event where families can come and enjoy local produce and entertainment.

Our main clientele are middle aged people who come for cookery demonstrations by celebrity chefs and families who come for a relatively cheap day out because the event and all entertainment is free. There is no emphasis on drinking, drug taking or loud partying.

By ending the event around 1800hrs we aim to prevent a prolonged drinking session which might lead to antisocial behaviour or excessive noise that would disturb local residents. Most people begin leaving at around 4pm with the site usually clear by 1830hrs.

The venue has been chosen because it is a large ,enclosed field with few neighbours to give consideration to the safety, nuisance and crime and disorder aspects of the licensing objectives.

This will be our 3rd event on the site and we have had no issues with local complaints about noise or behaviour of our visitors in the past.

The police have come along to the previous 2 events on this site and been happy with the way the they were being managed.

We are submitting an Event Management Plan along with this application.

We provide a free bus service back to Ottery to reduce the chances of locals drinking and driving. It is also on a normal bus route and we communicate with the bus service to make them aware of the veent and to expect more passengers during the day.

We are not aware that there has been any crime or disorder related to the previous 2 events on this site.

Emergency services - There is good access for emergency services via the entrance from Otter Nurseries car park. Should an emergency occur at the other end of the site we can also direct them to the Alfington Road gate which will allow entry without having to move through the festival itself.

First Aiders - we have several first aid trained members of our committee but we also employ Toadpit Medical services for the day and they treated 3 people in 2022 for minor injuries.

Waste disposal - our waste is removed from site by Devon Contract Waste and Suez and bins are checked regularly throughout the day with excess removed to a holding area.

We are a no glass site.

Capacity - We expect around 3,000 visitors to the event during the day but no more than 1,000 at any time, peaking at about 2pm. The field is approximately 150m2 and the festival is sited in around 2/3s of the site.

Traders - we ask for risk assessments and food safety information from all traders.

Infrastructure - all tents are erected and maintained by Brooklands events who also supply the electricity via a generator for the day and a qualified electrician is on site.

We provide disabled toilets and mow the grass short before the event so that those with wheelchairs are more easily able to get around.

The event is next to Otter Nurseries so, although it is in relatively rural area, local residents are used to noise from traffic and visitors to the garden centre until the early evening, especially on a Saturday, so we don't add too much disturbance to the area.

We are able to use part of the Otter car park for our visitors so there is no parking along lanes and we encourage people to cycle and catch the free bus in all our publicity.

Because the event is during the day we do not use lights of any kind.

We emphasise the need to prevent children from buying alcohol to all our bars and traders and remind them of the need to actively endorse Challenge 21 regulations.

Several members of the committee are DBS checked and we have a Safeguarding and Lost Children policy.

There is one main pedestrian entrance and exit which is covered by stewards all day who will have been briefed to watch for unaccompanied children and also any situations which don't look right as children.

Last Date for receipt of representations by the Licensing Authority
15th August 2024

Ref No. 058234

Premises: Co-op (Exmouth Magnolia Walk, 3 Magnolia Walk, EXMOUTH, Devon, EX8 1HB

Ward: Exmouth Town

Name of Applicant: Co-operative Group Food Limited

Premises Licence MINOR Variation to include:
Change to the layout of the store with regards to shelves, units and tills which will be removed, relocated and replaced. In all other respects the licence remains the same.

Last Date for receipt of representations by the Licensing Authority
7th August 2024