
The Licensing Act 2003 requires that we must prepare and publish a statement of licensing policy every 5 years.  The published policy then provides the framework for all decisions on applications relating to the Licensing Act 2003 and the way we carry out our functions in relation to the legislation.  The policy is also intended to provide advice and guidance to anyone that may be involved in the licensing application process from applicants and licence holders to responsible authorities and members of the public who wish to make a representation about an application. 

Our statement of licensing policy for 2021 - 2026

This revised policy commenced on the 7 January 2021 is published following a public consultation during the latter half of 2020 when we consulted with a wide range of organisations and individuals with an interest in alcohol and entertainment licensing.  

The policy was adopted by Full Council on the 9 December 2020 and is effective from the 7 January 2021 for the following 5 years.

We keep this policy statement under constant review and if any revisions are made we will publish a statement of these revisions or a revised licensing policy statement.