Information Taxi Fare Tariff
The new proposed 10% fare increase for taxis licensed in East Devon has now been approved and takes immediate effect from 18th June, following the withdrawal of all objections.
On the 8th May 2024, East Devon District Council’s Licensing & Enforcement Committee agreed a new table of maximum fares for taxis licensed by this Council. The new fare table reflects an increase of approximately 10% to all fare tariffs and extra charges.
When a new table of fares is agreed, the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 requires us to publish details of this in a local newspaper and at our offices, setting out the new table of fares and specifying the period within which objections can be made.
Notice of the Council’s intention to vary the table of fares was published in two local newspapers on the 22nd May 2024 and is also available for inspection at our offices in Exmouth and Honiton. Members of the public had until midnight on Wednesday 5th June to come forward with any objections. At least one objection was received, meaning the matter was to be referred to a hearing of the Licensing & Enforcement Committee for consideration.
However, as of 18th June all objections had been withdrawn, meaning that the fare increase has now been approved and takes immediate effect from 18th June.
All Hackney Vehicles should have their meter recalibrated to reflect the new fare tariff.
Meter changes can be made using the services of the Meterman (Exeter 01392 464643) or Cabserve (Torquay 01803 607611) and please phone ahead to book an appointment.
It will not be possible to start charging the new fares until the meter has been re-calibrated to the new fare tariff. The engineers will calibrate the meter in all newly licensed vehicles to the new tariff from this point onwards.
We will require all hackney carriage proprietors to ensure that meters have been re-calibrated to reflect the new fare tariff by the 1st October 2024 at the latest.
Drivers should confirm the change to their meter when it has been completed by emailing proof to
If you have any queries about hackney carriage fares you can email us at for further information.