News There is still time to apply for funding from the East Devon District Council Community Buildings Fund
When this content has been created
3 June 2021
East Devon District Council is urging rural local communities who are planning capital building projects or refurbishments to apply for financial help from its successful Community Buildings Fund.
The Community Building Fund is an East Devon District Council grants scheme, which helps fund projects for village halls, community buildings and community shops by offering grants of anything up to £5,000. Village halls, community buildings and community shops in East Devon’s villages and rural areas are eligible (those within an area covered by a town council are not eligible).
The scheme’s purpose is to help rural community buildings and community shops all around East Devon with funding for projects such as new or improved toilet facilities, kitchen facilities, roof repairs, heating and new door fixtures.
Closing dates for applications are 5pm Wednesday 28 July 2021 and 5pm Friday 14 January 2022 (please bear in mind that there is only limited funding available so if all is granted in July there will be no funding available in January).
Examples of some previously funded projects:
• Exton Village Hall was granted £2,567.76 to help provide the audio and sound system with a hearing loop, which users of the hall have asked for.
• Colyford Memorial Hall was granted £4611.68 to help replace their floor, which was beyond further repair.
• Newton Poppleford Pavilion was granted £2,000 to pay towards replacing their windows, door and other woodwork, some of which is rotten. This project helps make the hall more energy efficient and secure.
Interested applicants can find all the information they need, including application forms, on the East Devon website:
Cllr Jack Rowland, Chair of East Devon District Council’s Community Grants Panel, said:
“The examples shown perfectly illustrate the help that can be given from this fund to make improvements to eligible community buildings. As we hopefully continue to emerge from the impact of Covid the benefit of having community buildings that are fit for purpose will be of even greater importance in the future.”