Share your views on proposed plans to give East Devon’s lowest income families a 100 per cent discount on their council tax, helping to protect them against the cost-of-living crisis.

Under the draft scheme, for working age households, those in Band 1 will receive 100 per cent reduction, Band 2 – 80 per cent, Band 3 – 55 per cent and Band 4 – 25 per cent. 

A six-week consultation was launched on Friday, 4 November, following a report presented to East Devon District Council’s (EDDC) Cabinet – previously the biggest discount offered as part of the scheme was 85 per cent.

Currently 4,566 households, split in to four bands (Band 1, Band 2, Band 3 and Band 4), currently receive a council tax reduction, depending on their household make-up and income.

The move will mean 2,423 households (53 per cent) will be lifted out of paying council tax all together under the proposed scheme.

The largest group to benefit will be the 2,276 households with children – a total of 44 per cent (994 households).

The second largest group will be the 1,763 households with a disabled resident – a total of 52 per cent (908 households).

EDDC’s working age council tax reduction scheme currently costs just over £4.5million. The proposed changes would see an additional £722,859 needed to cover the cost of the new scheme.

The majority of the residents that will benefit (98 per cent) will see annual savings between £150 and £500 per year.

Following the public consultation, any changes to the scheme will be presented to EDDC’s Cabinet at its meeting on 4 January 2023. If given the go ahead, any agreed scheme will go before full council with the aim of introducing it from April 2023.

If you would like to comment on the proposed changes, follow the link here:

For more information on the proposed changes, visit EDDC's website

If you need help completing the consultation email or call 01404 515616.