News May 2023
Councillors Celebrate Blue Flag Status at East Devon Beaches
26 May 2023
Four of the district’s beaches have been awarded prestigious Blue Flag status, setting them out as some of the best beaches in the country, an accolade welcomed by the EDDC’s new administration.
Returning Council Leader Appoints New Cabinet
25 May 2023
Following the district wide elections earlier this month East Devon District Council (EDDC) has a new administration, with both a new Cabinet and Chair appointed last night (May 24 2023)
More East Devon greenspaces designated as nature recovery areas
16 May 2023
This year, Streetscene have increased the number of greenspaces and verges where they are letting the grass grow between April and September to enable nature to flourish.
East Devon Supports National Hoarding Awareness Week
16 May 2023
Officers in East Devon are once again highlighting the issue of self-neglect and hoarding and focusing on the help and support on offer to people affected.
East Devon Remains One of the Top Recyclers in England
09 May 2023
National figures released by DEFRA have shown once again East Devon continues to be one of the top performing local authorities, in terms of its recycling and waste collections.