No ID? Apply for free voter ID by 26 June! Text on a green post-it note on a pink background
Remember Voter ID to vote in person at the General Election on 4 July 2024

You will need to bring along a valid form of ID to vote in the UK General Election, and if you don’t have this, you can apply for a Voter Authority ID Certificate.

Voters in the Exmouth and Exeter East, and Honiton and Sidmouth constituencies must present an approved form of photo identification at their polling station to cast their vote, due to rules introduced by the UK Government.

Accepted forms of ID include:
- Passport
- Driving licence (including provisional)
- Blue Badge
- Older Person’s Bus Pass
- Disabled Person’s Bus Pass
- Identity card with the PASS mark (Proof of Age Standards Scheme)
- Biometric residence permit

For a complete list of acceptable identification and detailed information, visit

If you don’t have an accepted forms of ID, apply for a free Voter Authority Certificate by 5pm on Wednesday 26 June at

Melanie Wellman, East Devon District Council’s Acting Returning Officer, said:
“We want to ensure that every eligible voter can cast their vote without any issues on Election Day. Please check now that you have the necessary ID, and if not, apply for a Voter Authority Certificate well before the deadline. This election is a major one, and we want to ensure that no one is disenfranchised due to the new requirements.”

Voters are encouraged to check their ID status, plan ahead, and spread the word to family and friends to ensure a smooth voting experience on 4 July.

For more information from EDDC about voter ID requirements, and how to apply for a Voter Authority Certificate, visit: