
Clicking on the map will show information about all the layers in the Local Plan

This  interactive map shows spatially defined policy areas and boundaries that feature in or are referred to in the adopted East Devon Local Plan and East Devon Villages Plan.  Wording that appears in any spatial search may features in a number of plan policies and also in the supporting text of the plans, therefore the written text of the plans should be read in full for a complete picture. More importantly this interactive search does not show every plan policy that could be applicable to every location.  Many plan policies cover the whole of East Devon or parts that are not explicitly defined by lines on maps.  This provides further reason why written plan text should be read in full.  There are also policies in made (adopted) Neighbourhood Plans that apply in parts of the district.   More information on where these exist and links to the full plan documents can be found via our neighbourhood plans interactive map.

This map contains third party data. Flood Zones are © Environment Agency. County Wildlife sites © Devon Biodiversity Records Centre (DBRC). Other natural areas © Natural England.

Layers from third parties may be updated since the publication of the Local Plan. East Devon will use the latest data.