Information Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP)
The creation of sustainable communities relies upon the delivery of infrastructure alongside new housing and economic development. Evidence on infrastructure requirements is important to inform and support the delivery of the adopted Local Plan, and the emerging Cranbrook Plan.
The latest Infrastructure Delivery Plan Review (November 2017) contains this evidence on infrastructure requirements.
The Infrastructure Delivery Plan should be reviewed on a regular basis. It will be revisited and amended as infrastructure is delivered, opportunities for new development are presented, and as pressures change over time.
Previous Infrastructure Delivery Plans
The March 2015 Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP) is a supporting document for the Local Plan (2013-2031) and details infrastructure necessary to deliver the Local Plan.
A consultation on the Draft Infrastructure Delivery Plan ran from 14 June 2013 to 12 July 2013. Representations made on the Draft IDP, CIL Draft Charging Schedule (DCS) and Draft Regulation 123 List can be viewed in the CIL Representation Library accessed on the CIL web page.