1. Why we produce additional supplementary policies and plans
In addition to the Local Plan and other main policy documents, we also produce a series of supplementary plans and policy documents. For the most parts these documents will have the status of formal supplementary planning documents (SPDs).
In the past, similar supplementary plans had the status of supplementary planning guidance (SPGs). There remain some SPGs in East Devon that still have relevance in determining planning applications and informing planning decisions.
In addition to SPDs and SPGs, there are a number of additional policy documents and papers that are of relevance in determining planning applications. In some cases guidance is contained in evidence reports used by us. The planning policy - Evidence and Research pages provide more details.
We produce a range of supplementary guidance to expand upon the policies of the Local Plan. The guidance includes development briefs, design guides and policy specific guidance and is intended to be used alongside and to complement and inform upon the application of Local Plan policy and government policy.