Guide Supplementary plans and development and design briefs

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6. Chapel Street, Honiton development brief

This development brief was adopted as interim supplementary planning guidance to the emerging East Devon Local Plan on 13th October 2004. The brief is intended to establish the possibilities for new development on land to the north and south of Chapel Street, Honiton and provides guidance to developers on the constraints which apply and the uses and forms of new development which may be acceptable or encouraged. A public consultation exercise was carried out and, where appropriate, responses were incorporated into the brief. In order to test the acceptability and viability of alternative proposals, two different schemes were set out in section 6 of the report. The consultation did not find that one scheme was favoured in preference to the other and therefore either scheme is likely to be acceptable.

The brief site is important by virtue of its proximity to the town centre; its historic land form and position in relation to the Honiton conservation area and the number of important listed buildings nearby. Access to the site is poor and this will restrict the type of development which may be carried out.

Executive summary of the Chapel Street, Honiton development brief document

The purposes of the brief are to:-

  • Provide a more detailed explanation of East Devon Local Plan Policy LH4
  • Define the extent of the site to be developed
  • Set out constraints and opportunities offered by the location and characteristics of the site
  • Outline the design approach together with the physical planning and architectural implications which must be provided to meet a sustainable, high quality, built environment
  • Set out the broad disposition of land uses within the site
  • Illustrate and describe the overall layout of the site

As a general objective the brief will seek to ensure that plan policies are appropriately applied in order to ensure that the very highest quality of development is secured.

Chapel Street, Honiton development brief document

Alternative schemes for the western section for the Chapel Street, Honiton development brief area

Map (Appendix 1) of alternative scheme 1

Map (Appendix 1) of alternative scheme 2

Map (Appendix 1) of shopping designations

Map (Appendix 1) of listed buildings and conservation area

Main policies (Appendix 2) relating to the Chapel Street, Honiton development brief