
£50 for up to 3 items only.

If you have 4 or more items these will be charged at £5 extra per item to a maximum of 10 items (£85)

  1. 1 to 3 items: £50.00
  2. 4 items: £55.00
  3. 5 items: £60.00
  4. 6 items: £65.00
  5. 7 items: £70.00
  6. 8 items: £75.00
  7. 9 items: £80.00
  8. 10 items: £85.00

There are no concessions or exceptions to this charge.  The Council has been unable to offer a free collection service since the introduction of disposal charges for waste collection centres by the Government.

If you don't want to pay check alternative ways to get rid of your unwanted large items.