
Recycling processor vetting

  • The majority of East Devon materials are processed in the UK, from time to time we will use overseas markets for some materials when UK capacity is not available or price conditions are advantageous e.g. cardboard - Belgium, Germany, India
  • East Devon District Council reporting/regulatory obligations end when material is transferred to a processor. At this point the processor takes on ownership. All tonnages and processing destinations are reported to the Environment Agency.
  • As markets change rapidly and material is aggregated it is not possible for Devon County Council, East Devon District Council or SUEZ to track any onward export of material by a processor.
  • Processors are regulated by the Environment Agency – East Devon District Council and SUEZ only use permitted processors

Devon County Council arrangements

  • Processors provide detailed information during the public sector procurement procedure for vetting – only reputable/permitted processors who can meet the required specifications are asked to tender.
  • Processing destinations can change through the duration of long term contracts due to changing markets.

Suez traded materials

Vetting procedures ensure only reputable, permitted processors are traded with.

Vetting includes:

  • Customer validation contract.
  • Professional conduct vetting including criminal conviction declaration.
  • Licencing/permitting checks

Suez has a dedicated compliance manager who checks all reprocessors and sub-contractors before entering into a trading agreement with them. These checks are to ensure the materials are handled responsibly, in line with best practice and in accordance with all the relevant UK legislation.

Not only does Suez check the reprocessor or sub-contractor has all the relevant UK licences, the company also draws up a bespoke contract for any business it trades recyclable materials with.

This bespoke contract  requires reprocessors to comply with good industry practice as well as all applicable laws. Furthermore, dealers and brokers must provide evidence that each and every consignment of recyclable material has reached the end recovery facility. Suez also requires these companies, on a yearly basis, to give written confirmation that the end recovery facility has all the relevant permits and licenses to operate and operates on compliance with EU law.

Suez audits this information each year to ensure it remains up to date through the lifetime of our trading agreements.