
Food and packaging

Wasted food?

On average, £420 worth of food per family is thrown away each year. Only buy and cook the food you really need by making a shopping list and weighing out the correct portions. Visit Love Food Hate Waste for lots of ideas and recipes to help cut out food waste.

Too much packaging?

Buy fruit and vegetables loose, it’s cheaper and less packaging means less waste.

Shopping and junk mail

Too many disposable items?

Consider buying products that can be reused such as rechargeable batteries and try not to use disposable items such as razors, plastic cups and plates.

Buy concentrated

Look for refillable and bigger value packs. They last longer, have less packaging and save you money too.

Too much plastic?

Over 290 carrier bags per person go to landfill every year and the plastic bag is used for an average of seven minutes before it's thrown away. Why not buy a bag for life?

Don’t want all that junk mail?

Sign on to the Mail Preference Service at, email or call 02457 034599.