
Direct Debit 

Council Tax, Housing Rent and Sundry Debt Invoices

Direct Debit is the easiest and most cost effective way to pay and ensures your instalments are paid on time. 

You can spread the cost of your bills monthly interest-free payments.

Business Rates

Set up Direct Debit now - all you need is your Business Rates account/bill number and your bank details.

If you are unable to complete the online mandate you can
email or call 01395 517445 and we will send you a Direct Debit mandate to complete and return to us.
Please include your name, address, account/bill number.


Business Rates

You can pay your Business Rates online, using a debit or credit card.

Council Tax

You can pay your Council Tax online, using a debit or credit card.

Housing Rents

You can pay Housing Rents online, using a debit or credit card.

Sundry Debt Invoices

You can pay Sundry Debt Invoices online, using a debit or credit card.


Call our automated payment line on 03447 369 631* at any time and follow the prompts. You will need the bill/invoice/account number and a debit or credit card.


You can pay by BACS via your own bank using our bank details below.

Please quote the account, bill or invoice number

Bank Standing Order

Ask your bank to set up a standing order. Our bank details are:

Bank: Lloyds Bank PLC Exeter
Sort Code: 30-93-14
Account No. 00365206
Reference No. (your bill/invoice/account number)

Please remember that unlike a Direct Debit that carries on from year to year, you have to set up a standing order each year in order to pay the new instalment amounts.

Post Office

Pay by cash or cheque using the barcode on the front of your bill/invoice/account number at any Post Office. If you are paying by cheque make it payable to Post Office Ltd and write your bill/invoice/account number and address on the back. Always ask for a receipt.


Use the barcode on the front of your bill/invoice/account number at any Payzone outlet. Some Payzone outlets may only accept cash.

Calls to 03 numbers cost no more than a national rate call to an 01 or 02 number and count towards any inclusive minutes in the same way as 01 and 02 calls. These rules apply to calls from any type of line including mobile, BT, other fixed line or payphone. East Devon District Council receives no additional income for calls to this number