
Housing options when hosting comes to an end

  1. Private rented accommodation
  2. Re-matching
  3. Council housing
  4. Homelessness prevention
  5. Re-matching from other councils and 2nd year 'thank you' payments

How to approach the end of your hosting

In the Homes for Ukraine programme hosts commit to offering accommodation to their guests for a minimum of 6 months. While some of the hosts may be happy to continue offering the property for longer, for many, 6 months will be the maximum their property is available for. In this resource we share our tips on how to prepare for the hosting coming to an end and outline the housing options you may have when it does.

Find out how long your accommodation is available for at the start

We realise that arriving in a new country, especially when you never planned to come here is very difficult. Nevertheless, it is best to start planning for the end of hosting as early on as possible. We know that many hosts are reluctant to talk about the amount of time they can host someone for because they are afraid this may hurt someone’s feelings or unsettle their guests. If your host hasn’t spoken to you about how long you can stay, we encourage you to ask them to clarify this. This way you’ll have as much notice as possible to prepare for the end of your hosting.

Housing options when hosting comes to an end

Private rented accommodation

The first option you have is renting an accommodation from a private landlord. While it is possible to get some funds from benefits (Universal credit) towards the cost of the rent, most landlords expect their tenants to work and be able to cover the rent out of their own salary. Therefore, it is very unlikely you will be able to find your own private rented accommodation without working. Read our guide on finding Private rentals.

It is best to try to understand as early as possible how much rentals are in your area. You can do this by going to websites like Zoopla or Rightmove and looking for properties available for rent in your area.

There are challenges a person who hasn’t been in the UK for a long time will face when looking for a private rented accommodation. Many estate agents will ask people to go through credit checks, which can be difficult to pass if you have only been in the UK for a few months.  For those who cannot pass checks the estate agents may ask for 6 months of rent in advance or for a guarantor (some who guarantees that they will pay the rent when you aren’t able to do so). Talk to your Support Worker about Private Rental Scheme and how council can help you to find a place to rent.

The Resettlement team can liaise with landlords/ letting agents to explain our grant scheme as well as support you to book viewings and making applications for properties.

It can also be beneficial to go to local estate agents and register your interest in their properties that meet your criteria.

If you find a property you like on a property website - it is always best to contact the estate agent directly, as it might take a while for the information to be passed from the advertising site to the letting agent and by then all the viewings might be already booked in. More tips on how to look for private rental properties.

Alternatives if you can’t find independent accommodation


We can look for another sponsor in our area if you are unable to find your own accommodation. At present we don’t have many sponsors available, but you could also try looking for another sponsor yourself. This could be approaching people you already know locally or approaching local host groups and networks.

Council housing

We know that some people might have heard about council housing as an option to find affordable long-term accommodation. Unfortunately, in nearly all areas of the UK this will not be possible. Most local authorities across the UK already have waiting lists going into years.

Homelessness prevention

In the worst-case scenario, you can also ask for homelessness-prevention support. Housing Officers will carry out an assessment to check if you are eligible for emergency housing. You can contact your Support Worker 8 weeks in advance if you know that you might be at risk of homelessness. To find out more, you can read through Shelter UK’s guidance.

Re-matching from other councils and 2nd year 'thank you' payments

Finding another host

If you are unable to continue with your current host but are also not ready to move into your own accommodation, you may want to find a new host. There are several ways that you can do this.

You may already know someone who could host you, for example, through:

  • your local faith group
  • other community groups
  • your work
  • your current host

Alternatively, there are many other organisations that may be able to help, including recognized providers and other charities and our recognised providers.

Can you find a new sponsor in a different district?

Yes, this is possible.

Moving To Another Sponsor - Ukrainian Refugee Help. Guests don't lose their H4U status, just because they left their sponsor. They are eligible to go back to sponsorship at any time during the 3 years, even if they've been back to Ukraine in the interim.

The time is counted from the date of arrival in the UK, including any time spent away. i.e. if the guest went to Ukraine or into rented accommodation for a period of time, this time period is counted as part of the 24 months altogether for which sponsors of this guest should receive their “Thank you” payments.

If you have a child aged between 4 and 16 years old it is important to consider the availability of school places in the area that you may move to. Read more about childcare and education. We recommend you also contact the school admissions team at your local council. If you are already receiving Universal Credit or other benefits and your address changes you should tell the Department for Work and Pensions. This is to make sure you continue to receive your correct benefit entitlement.

If you are moving to the East Devon Area – please let us know about it by emailing

If you are moving out of the area – make sure you let the organization who is looking after Homes For Ukraine re-settlers in this area know about your move. Find your local council

Please be aware that your new host must complete all the checks (housing and security) before your move, or the move might not be authorised.