
1. Can I apply if I don't have a carbon survey or carbon reduction plan? 

Applications to the CAF can only be submitted where the applicant can provide and submit a carbon survey and carbon reduction plan of the required scope and standard.

Applicants may be able to access a free carbon survey and action plan through the Council’s Carbon Action Programme or the Prosper business support programme. 

Where applicants wish to apply using a privately funded survey and reduction plan, it must:

  • Include greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions as Scope 1, 2 or 3 as referred to in the Greenhouse Gas Protocol
  • Be in line with the associated PPN 06/21 Guidance
  • Have been issued after 1 August 2023

2. Can I apply if I rent my premises? 

Leaseholders are eligible to apply for the Carbon Action Fund. Where the applicant is a leaseholder, they must have written permission from the owner of the leased premises to modify the building or to install equipment onto the building. Where the property is leased, the lease must not expire for at least another 2 years. Further guidance is available on our CAF Support page. 

3. What questions are in the application form?

The Checklist and Guidance document lists all questions you will be asked in the application form. We recommend you review this document and draft responses in a separate document before starting your application, as the form will time out within 2 hours. The checklist outlines all the documents and main points of information you will need to complete an application.

4. What equipment can I apply for?

Applicants can apply for CAF funding to deliver a decarbonisation project or reuse or reduce waste. Equipment purchased could relate to decarbonisation of a building or a production process, but must be recommended in a carbon reduction plan. 

A list of eligible and ineligible equipment of equipment and costs is provided in Section 4 of the CAF Policy. This list is not exhaustive and if in doubt, please email

Road vehicles are not eligible for funding. EV charge-points are only eligible where these will primarily be used by customers. Grants to help purchase EV charge-points for staff and fleet can be accessed through other schemes

5. Can I apply if I have received funding before?

Successful recipients of other UKSPF and REPF grant schemes are eligible to apply for the CAF. However, the UKSPF Panel are likely to prioritise those applicants who have not previously received UKSPF and REPF funding. 

6. How will my application be scored?

All applications will be scored by two officers against the scoring criteria set out in Section 7 of the CAF Policy. These applications will then be presented to a Panel of EDDC Councillors for final decision making. 

7. Can I apply for more than £50,000?

In special cases where an applicant is able to demonstrate a significant carbon reduction, they should email to discuss requesting a higher grant amount. We anticipate most projects should cost under £30,000. 

8. Do I need Planning Permission? 

CAF funding cannot be used to purchase equipment where planning permission is required but has not been granted for the installation of that equipment. Applicants may be asked to provide evidence, such as an email/letter from a Planning Officer, to demonstrate that planning permission is not required. Further guidance on planning permission is available on our CAF Support page. 

9. Can those without premises or who work from home apply?

All applicants must operate from a fixed, non-domestic premises in East Devon. CAF funded equipment cannot be installed on residential properties, including home-based businesses. 

10. Can I apply for more than one piece of equipment?

An organisation can only receive CAF funding for one application which should relate to a single decarbonisation or waste reduction project. However, each project can contain costs for more than one item/piece of equipment, service or provision. A project can also cover more than one eligible site/premises.