8. Financial information 2017/18
Our future financial plans
Transformation Strategy 2017-2022
Our spending plans 2017/18
The money collected through council tax helps pay for services for approximately 773,000 people in the Devon County Council area.
Revenue and Capital estimates 2017-18
Treasury Management
Treasury management is the management of the local authority’s investments and cash flows, its banking, money market and capital market transactions; the effective control of the risks associated with those activities; and the pursuit of optimum performance consistent with those risks.
The Treasury Management Strategy covers:
- the capital plans (including prudential indicators);
- a minimum revenue provision (MRP) policy (how residual capital expenditure is charged to revenue over time);
- the treasury management strategy (how the investments and borrowings are to be organised) including treasury indicators; and
- an investment strategy (the parameters on how investments are to be managed).
2017/18 Treasury Management Strategy
Final accounts for 2017/18
For details of public rights to inspect the 2017/18 accounts see Notice of Audit Inspection 2017/18